Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Clickable Comics! End of 2008 Edition with the Superstars of LOVE!!!

The end of 2008 was a strange one for Reeves and I. While he was busy traipsing around in NYC at the beginning of December (and again this week!) I found out that it was time to cut open my elbow and put the camera down for a few months. Yeah. A few months. So I will be sitting at home throwing dialog balloons on everything I can get my greasy hands on until March- You have been warned! My isolation and heavy doses of narcotics might result in some tender moments turned into bloody valentines. Meanwhile, Reevesy and I will be working diligently in the studio trying to create this thing I recently heard about called "Art". Reeves says its a bunch of Bollocks, but what does he know? He's from some tropical island far away called Ing-Lund. Speaking of "Art", I just watched "The Rape of Europa", an undeniably heart wrenching and ghastly film about the Nazi obsession with Fine Art and how it was the underlying motivation (alongside Wagner's MO) for Hitler to conquer Europe and slaughter tens of millions of its inhabitants, including the Jews. I ended up following it up with 1991's "Architect of Doom" which serves as a perfect companion piece. So if you're like me and still trying to make rhyme or reason of how and why 50 million people died in the Great War, check these out. It was all about the Art.


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